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Mesaj icon Konu: Cranberries - Zombie (AKOR) Yanıt Yaz Yeni Konu Gönder
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Kayıt Tarihi: 22-Subat-2009
Konum: Istanbul
Aktif Durum: Aktif Değil
Gönderilenler: 2554
Alıntı Adam Cevaplabullet Konu: Cranberries - Zombie (AKOR)
    Gönderim Zamanı: 25-Mart-2009 Saat 21:49
Cranberries - Zombie (AKOR)

Em C G D ) 4x
Em            C          G                    D

Another head hangs slowly child is slowly taken

Em                     C            G            D

And the violance caused such silence Who are we mistaken
                    Em                   C

But you see it's not me it's not my family
                  G                      D
In your head in your head they're fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns

               G                        D

In your head in your head they are cryin'

              Em            C        G    D     
In your head in your head Zombie zombie ie ie
                 Em        C
What's in your head in your head
             G        D        Em
Zombie zombie zombie ie ie ie ooooo
Em            C          G               D

Another mother's breakin' heart is taking over

Em                        C          G               D

When the violence caused such silence we must be mistaken
              Em                  C
It's the same old theme since 1916
               G                               D       
In your head in your head they're still fightin'


With their tanks and their bombs


And their bombs and their guns
               G                        D

In your head in your head they are cryin'

               Em            C        G    D     

In your head in your head Zombie zombie ie ie

                 Em        C

What's in your head in your head

          G        D        Em
Zombie zombie zombie ie ie ie ooooo

Düzenleyen zezeron - 14-Ekim-2009 Saat 19:21
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